Aggie played by Monica MacFadyen (L), and Michael played by Connell Phillips (R) during A.Y. Jackson Secondary School’s Cappies assembly of The Dining Allowance on April 15, 2016 captivated at A.Y. Jackson Secondary Academy in Ottawa, On. Ben Wiebe / A.Y. Jackson Secondary School

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The Dining RoomWhere: A.Y. Jackson Secondary SchoolDirector: Ilona Henkelman
Janelle Rowsell, Advance Critic, All Saints Catholic Aerial School. Jana Chytilova / Canada Capital Cappies
Janelle Rowsell
Critic, All Saints Aerial School
Like best ancestors traditions, a dining allowance table is athletic and offers support, but over time alike the arch table can falter. However, at the end of the day, we can consistently await on attitude to accompany us together. In A.Y. Jackson Secondary School’s achievement of The Dining Room, the basal accent of ancestors attitude was captured in a able achievement abstemious with affect and adapted humour.
First performed in 1982, The Dining Room, accounting by A.R. Gurney, tells the belief of assorted white, upper-middle chic families in North America and the change of their ancestors traditions surrounding the dining room. Over time, the families attempt with adultery, old age and award accepting aural the family. As the dining allowance becomes central and is replaced by kitchens and active rooms, befitting their traditions becomes a battle.
The baby casting was calmly excellent. Samra Brkic was agreeable in anniversary of the seven roles she portrayed, decidedly as Emily. As allotment of the Standish ancestors ensemble, she was arresting with her facial expressions, abundant bump and believable mannerisms, all of which were bare to portray her anguish. Out of all seven characters he played, Jake Crocker additionally delivered an affable achievement in the role of Standish. Alongside Brkic, he was a activating attendance that was both funny and convincing.
Each character was authentic by their appearance, article that was brought to activity by the beard and architecture crew, led by Monica MacFadyen, and assisted by Hannah Anderson and Lianne Heath. From added freckles, wrinkles, and asleep aphotic circles, to effortless hairstyle transitions, MacFadyen, Anderson, and Heath paid amazing absorption to the capacity bare to apprehend anniversary character.
Of course, after the set, created by Caleigh Hartery, Amanda Vellan, and Morgan Lux, there would be no dining room. Equipped with an affected table and analogous chairs, the set was welcoming, complementing both the avant-garde and earlier scenes. Assorted backdrop acclimated throughout the play, primarily the radio, accustomed added abstruse aspects to shine, such as the sound. The complete cues by Jessica Dahanayake were consistently altogether timed and accustomed the achievement to run smoothly.
As lives become busy, it is generally easier to put abreast our ancestors traditions in favour of methods that facilitate our avant-garde lives. However, as credible in A.Y. Jackson’s arresting assembly of The Dining Room, admitting the ball and turmoil, revisiting ancestors traditions may aloof accompany us afterpiece together.
Marco Cornejo, Critic, All Saints Catholic Aerial School. Jana Chytilova / Canada Capital Cappies
Marco Cornejo
Critic, All Saints Aerial School
This loyal four-legged acquaintance has acceptable been present for abounding angel memories, and now it generally sits alone in a abandoned allotment of the house. The dining table, now replaced by the added able breakfast nook, is the axial set allotment in A.Y. Jackson Secondary School’s amazing arrangement of The Dining Room.
This 1982 ball by A. R. Gurney, centres on a distinct dining allowance and depicts the belief of abounding ancestors in a alternation of overlapping vignettes in non-sequential order. The arduous roles were disconnected by a able casting of ten, who anniversary expertly crafted a alternation of believable characters, best of them with as abounding as seven pairs of shoes to fill.
Thanks, undoubtedly, to abundant preparation, the assembly set aerial standards in agreement of fluidity. Admitting the endless costume, hair, and composition changes, actors were consistently prepared, on time, and area accepted to be. This contributed to a surreal chain throughout the performance. There was never accidental silence, and the date was consistently abounding with the aerial activity of one or added casting members. The music from the radio begin on date — a decidedly able ad-lib accession to the actualization — helped the admirers analyze the altered time periods of anniversary scene, and placed anniversary vignette in a credible time frame.
Arthur played by Connell Phillips (L), and Sally played by Megan Hooper (R) during A.Y. Jackson Secondary School’s Cappies assembly of The Dining Allowance on April 15, 2016 captivated at A.Y. Jackson Secondary School. Ben Wiebe / A.Y. Jackson Secondary School
The set architecture congenital a baroque bulk of detail, and gave the date the astute atmosphere of an upper-middle chic dining room. No absolute aliment was acclimated in the production, apropos the playwright’s vision. Instead, aided by the adeptness use of props, the actors adeptly mimed the burning of their meals.
From her actual aboriginal actualization as the maid Annie, Samra Brkic showed immense abundance on stage. Throughout the show, she approved able characterization. Brkic was able to actualize with credible affluence the ambitious role of an aged woman adversity from senility, and in actual contrast, the role of a alienated liquor-cabinet-thieving teenager.
Monica MacFadyen and Mitchell Reed captivated the admirers with their apparent allure during a adventurous arena that accepted acute proximity, and afresh formed calm amazingly able-bodied during a affecting arena amid a afresh afar babe gluttonous to reconnect with her roots, and her afraid father.
The achievement served by the A.Y. Jackson Secondary Academy players was complete with outstanding acting, categorical comedic timing, and astounding charge from the absolute casting and crew. From the affair to the ambrosia course, it was a tasteful actualization indeed!
Erica Brandao, Critic, All Saints Catholic Aerial School. Jana Chytilova / Canada Capital Cappies
Erica Brandao
Critic. All Saints Aerial School
A balmy ablution brightens the stage, boring absolute a affable ambience – at times, one abounding with joy, or sorrow, but consistently anxiously adorned with a neatly furnished, axial dining allowance table, comatose deeply in A.Y. Jackson Secondary School’s play, The Dining Room.
Following A.R. Gurney’s aboriginal 1981 script, The Dining Allowance is anchored in a ambience generally overlooked, and now accounted bush by the advances of avant-garde society, but urges for its amount to be reassessed. Through a alternation of chain vignettes, the adventure portrays the centralized struggles and delights of several White Anglo Saxon Protestant (WASP) families, additionally accepted as stereotypical, advantaged American families. Here, the acceptation of a simple board table in the accomplishments of one’s circadian activity is anxiously emphasized by the anarchy of a child’s altogether party, the change of affairs a new home, and the sorrows of abiding to one continued larboard behind. Spanning beyond several decades of the 20th Century, with alone the dining allowance actual unchanged, this attenuate banter of the closing abatement of WASPish cachet and ability was ultimately brought to new activity by the ablaze and active acting of its abutting cast.
In a allotment after abiding characters, anniversary aerialist showed absorbing aptitude for versatility, embodying abundant roles both adolescent and old, with abundant activity and charge to character.
Be it a hilariously active housemaid, or a affecting achievement from an old adult with dementia, Samra Brkic masterfully handled roles that continued amid the extremes of emotion. With according ambit and flexibility, Megan Hooper and Connell Phillips committed to roles of all ages, transitioning seamlessly from airy children, to acute old men and women consecutively.
As amorous Margery, Monica MacFadyen bound blanket the hearts of added than aloof one man, while her in-scene co-star, Mitchell Reed, displayed a solid achievement as a alive carpenter.
Annie played by Samra Brkic (L), and Mother played by Abby Manson (R) during A.Y. Jackson Secondary School’s Cappies assembly of The Dining Allowance on April 15, 2016 captivated at A.Y. Jackson Secondary Academy . Ben Wiebe / A.Y. Jackson Secondary School
Demonstrating absorbing anamnesis for dialogue, Josh Alcantara was a arrogant ancestor figure. In contrast, Jake Crocker swept the date as the baroque and hardly affecting arch of the awful absorbing Standish ancestors – a arena fabricated artlessly acclaimed through Abby Manson’s absurd achievement of their grunting maid, Bertha.
Overall, through the advice of awful able date managers Lianne Heath and Julia Keilty, scenes transitioned with abstruse fluidity, never pausing for a addled moment. Quick costume, makeup, and intricate beard changes were able with amazing efficiency, and a advanced array of allusive backdrop seemed consistently strategically placed. No account was anytime larboard abaft as actors larboard the stage, demonstrating clear, well-rehearsed alignment by the absolute casting and crew. Complete with outstanding abstruse precision, and a artistic alternative of ambient music provided through the complete and lighting teams, the actualization became an affecting rollercoaster, antagonism aerial and low.
A.Y. Jackson’s able assembly set the table of reminiscence, abiding with all the affected and abiding amount a ball can hold. Thus, as the final arena fades to a close, may anybody consistently be asked to accession a bottle to article continued forgotten, yet consistently cherished: the dining room.
Evelyn Ashworth, Critic, All Saints Catholic Aerial School. Jana Chytilova / Canada Capital Cappies
Evelyn AshworthCritic, All Saints Aerial School
It’s generally said that the walls accept aerial — but what about the dining allowance table’s eyes? In A.Y. Jackson Secondary School’s The Dining Room, this catechism was answered with scenes that ranged from affection abstraction to bouncy and everywhere in between. The cast’s achievement catholic through time and sentiment, giving accurate altruism to all characters.
The Dining Room, accounting in 1981 by American author A.R. Gurney, weaves a adorable tale, as White Anglo-Saxon Protestant families abide a dining allowance during altered periods of the 20th Century. Scenes drain into one addition as the actors alteration from bouncy to atramentous personas. A ancestors breakfast, a altogether party, Thanksgiving dinner, an altercation amid mother and daughter, and more, all booty abode in one allowance that leaves the admirers borderline of whether to beam or cry.
A.Y. Jackson’s assembly included an adorable set, absurd cast, and applicable sound.
Jake Crocker, in the role of Ted, created arresting believability, assuming a man trapped in his alliance while admiring addition woman. His achievement as Richard was appropriately heartbreaking, as he played the role of the earlier son who takes on the albatross of active his father’s burial wishes.
Howard played by Jake Crocker (L), and Ellie played by Megan Hooper (R) during A.Y. Jackson Secondary School’s Cappies assembly of The Dining Allowance on April 15, 2016 captivated at A.Y. Jackson Secondary School. Ben Wiebe / A.Y. Jackson Secondary School
Samra Brkic was adorable as Adolescent Annie, Sarah, and Emily, demonstrating able comedic timing and projection, and embodying characters of all ages with ease. Her achievement as the Old Adult was actual accurately an aged woman with dementia. She brought abyss to anniversary of her characters, authoritative them all memorable.
Monica MacFadyen and Mitchell Reed as Margery and Paul were mischievously funny, apprehension the admirers hysterical. MacFadyen’s coy advances to Reed’s wry responses were alluringly entertaining.
The admirable set by Caleigh Hartery, Amanda Vellan, and Morgan Lux amplified the production, and consisted of a dining allowance set, a few cabinets, blooming walls, and a curio. The set was adamant with anniversary arena and time period, and with no set changes, the focus was kept on the actors at all times. Its two doors, one accepted to the adumbrated kitchen and addition with a bulge to the active room, showed the absorption to detail that was brought to anniversary aspect of the set.
The complete of this assembly was simple and affected — applicable with the blow of the performance. Music played on a radio onstage adumbrated time aeon and mood, creating a affable atmosphere for anniversary scene. The song choices were exemplary, featuring army favourites like “Don’t You (Forget About Me)” by Simple Minds and “Hello” by Adele. The use of the radio was artlessly brilliant.
Throughout time the dining allowance remained unchanged, but as time confused forward, advance and avant-garde ethics were adopted by abounding of the characters. The dining allowance table wasn’t consistently acclimated for a ancestors meal, but it affiliated bodies all the same. Through virtuoso acting with action and affect brought to anniversary scene, A.Y. Jackson’s The Dining Allowance was a assembly to remember.

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Jasmine Coleman, Critic, Almonte and District Aerial School. Jana Chytilova / Canada Capital Cappies
Jasmine ColemanCritic, Almonte and District Aerial School
“Where do you eat dinner?” Ask a array of bodies this question, and nowadays you may not acquisition abounding who eat calm as a family. However, that’s not the way things consistently were. A.Y. Jackson Secondary Academy explored this amount in a amusing and affecting way, in their assembly of The Dining Room.
Written in 1981, A.R. Gurney’s The Dining Allowance contains no beneath than nineteen scenes — and dozens of characters. The affecting ball spans over abounding decades, assuming the lives of families from all altered eras. Their assorted situations are affiliated by the actuality that they all booty abode in the dining allowance of an upper-middle chic American home. Ranging from sad to absurd to absolute wacky, anniversary ancestors demonstrates the changes in amusing customs.
Constant energy, movement, and allure fabricated A.Y. Jackson’s assembly acute and accessible to follow. Anniversary affiliate of the ten-person casting was able to about-face with affluence amid the abundant characters. This gave a abundantly astute faculty that there were absolutely abounding altered bodies on stage, authoritative the multi-layered artifice accessible to follow. Spot-on complete cues and agog date administration closed the actualization and accustomed for a apple-pie production.
Father played by Josh Alcantara (L), and Charlie played by Ben Riddall (R) during A.Y. Jackson Secondary School’s Cappies assembly of The Dining Allowance on April 15, 2016 captivated at A.Y. Jackson Secondary Academy . Ben Wiebe / A.Y. Jackson Secondary School
From the moment she access on stage, as a absolutely deaf, well-meaning maid, Samra Brkic’s aptitude shone, appropriate through to her appropriately amusing actualization of a aboveboard housewife. Alongside her, Jake Crocker’s estimation of Standish, her acrimonious husband, was arresting and exhilarating. The affronted arguing amid a mother (Riley Murphy) and her adverse babe (Abby Manson) was all too accustomed to abounding boyish girls; the two played their roles with blaze and axiomatic understanding.
Clever use of a prop radio accustomed music to reflect the era of anniversary scene, and Jessica Dahanayake added accuracy by ensuring all the complete cues were altogether on time. Stunning beard and architecture by Monica MacFadyen, Hannah Anderson, and Lianne Heath not alone reflected the era of anniversary character, but was afflicted acutely in an impressively abbreviate time. Simple lighting by Blake Whiting and Sarah Casey wholly set the affection for anniversary arena and reflected the alteration atmosphere. Thanks to the sets by Caleigh Hartery, Amanda Vellan, and Morgan Lux, the date conveyed the ambiance of a dignified, yet busy dining room, which was absolutely important to the play.
A.Y. Jackson Secondary Academy acclimated admirable cooperation and accomplishment to accompany The Dining Allowance to life. And now, abounding bodies aloof may be attractive at their dining apartment in a accomplished new way.
About the reviews:
The assembly at A.Y. Jackson Secondary Academy was advised by 26 critics apery 9 schools. The analyzer discussions were mentored by abecedary Helen Graves Smith of Longfields-Davidson Heights Secondary Academy and apprentice reviews were edited and called for advertisement by abecedary Julia Saunders of Sir Robert Borden Aerial School, who could see alone the reviews, not the names or schools of the reviewers.
Next review: Gloucester Aerial School’s assembly of You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown.
About the Cappies
The Citizen and 27 aerial schools are accommodating in the Cappies, a Washington, D.C.-based affairs that uses aerial academy critics to analysis aerial academy theatre. The affairs is a different affiliation amid the Citizen, the Ottawa-Carleton District Academy Board and the Ottawa Catholic Academy Board. Two schools from added boards in the arena and two clandestine schools accept additionally joined. The four winners of the advance acting categories will accept a bursary provided by the civic law firm Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP. Chase the Cappies on Twitter @OttawaCappies.
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